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Event Date

Career Services Center in Bedford Hall

Who is this for?

This workshop is designed for those who are going into a job interview and are anxious about saying the right things and making a good impression on the interviewers.  It is for those who want to present with self-confidence and become the prime candidate over & above everyone else competing for the job.

What will you learn?

This workshop will teach you what to do before the interview to best prepare yourself, as well as how to conduct yourself during the interview.  It will teach you how to anticipate the questions you will be asked, and the answers you will give.  It will teach you how to present your strengths & weaknesses, your attributes & qualities, and your skillsets in such a way that they can’t help but consider you for the job.  It will teach you how to present yourself.

Through activities such as “Create Your Own Stories” and handouts which include current mock interview questions & great tips on what to do and not to do in a job interview, you will learn how to answer behavioral & situation-based questions, how to turn your weaknesses into strengths by your answers, and how to totally impress the interviewers to land your second interview, and ultimately the job.  This workshop will help you stand out from the other candidates.

For more information contact Jeff Bennett, Career Services Navigator at 434-832-7206 or 434-832-7665 or email