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Welcome to the CVCC Online Class Schedule. Here you can view the entire class schedule for current terms. The listed information is updated daily and for reference purposes only. For “live” class schedule data with current enrollment capacities and enhanced class search functionality please view our live schedule webpage.   For information on applying to the college and enrolling in classes please visit our Start Here page, or call the Advising Services at 434.832.7800, Mon. 8:00 AM-7:00 PM and Tue.-Fri. 8:00 AM-5:00 PM.

For detailed information about each course, use the new Class Search tool linked above.

CLS # Class-Sec Course Title Cr Location Times(Days) Instructor
Accounting (ACC)
38187 ACC  211-21W11 Principles of Accounting I 3 Virtual Mallory
First 5-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38188 ACC  212-31W22 Principles of Accounting II 3 Virtual Mallory
Second 5-week class begins 06/24/25. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Administrative Support Tech (AST)
36424 AST  101-11WA Keyboarding I 3 Virtual Saunders
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Art (ART)
37795 ART  101-01WA History of Art: Prehistoric to 3 Virtual Lofaso
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37796 ART  101-02W11 History of Art: Prehistoric to 3 Virtual Lofaso
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37797 ART  102-01W22 History of Art: Renaissance to 3 Virtual Lofaso
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Biology (BIO)
38194 BIO  101-01WA General Biology I 4 Virtual Witt
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38195 BIO  101-01WL General Biology I 0 Virtual Witt
38196 BIO  101-02MA General Biology I 4 Main Campus: 2313 9:00-10:55am (TR) McDermott
38197 BIO  101-02ML General Biology I 0 Main Campus: 2311 11:00-1:00pm (TR) McDermott
38198 BIO  101-03W11 General Biology I 4 Virtual Ranson
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38199 BIO  101-03WL1 General Biology I 0 Virtual Ranson
38200 BIO  101-04W22 General Biology I 4 Virtual Orso
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38201 BIO  101-04WL2 General Biology I 0 Virtual Orso
38202 BIO  102-01W22 General Biology II 4 Virtual Orso
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38203 BIO  102-01WL2 General Biology II 0 Virtual Orso
38204 BIO  141-01WA Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Virtual Dario-Becker
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38205 BIO  141-01WL Human Anatomy and Physiology I 0 Virtual Dario-Becker
38206 BIO  141-02MA Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Main Campus: 2307 5:30-7:30pm (MW) TBA
38207 BIO  141-02ML Human Anatomy and Physiology I 0 Main Campus: 2405 7:35-9:35pm (MW) TBA
38208 BIO  141-03WA Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Virtual Hawkins
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38209 BIO  141-03WL Human Anatomy and Physiology I 0 Virtual Hawkins
38210 BIO  141-04W11 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Virtual Dampf
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38211 BIO  141-04WL1 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 0 Virtual Dampf
38212 BIO  141-05W22 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Virtual Wilborne
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38213 BIO  141-05WL2 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 0 Virtual Wilborne
38214 BIO  141-06M11 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Main Campus: 2203 9:00-10:55am (MTWR) Perry
38215 BIO  141-06ML1 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 0 Main Campus: 2405 11:00-12:55pm (MTWR) Perry
38216 BIO  142-01WA Human Anatomy/Physiology II 4 Virtual Hogan
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38218 BIO  142-01WL Human Anatomy/Physiology II 0 Virtual Hogan
38219 BIO  142-02WA Human Anatomy/Physiology II 4 Virtual Bunker
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38220 BIO  142-02WL Human Anatomy/Physiology II 0 Virtual Bunker
38223 BIO  142-03W22 Human Anatomy/Physiology II 4 Virtual Penrod
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38224 BIO  142-03WL2 Human Anatomy/Physiology II 0 Virtual Penrod
38225 BIO  142-04M22 Human Anatomy/Physiology II 4 Main Campus: 2207 9:00-10:55am (MTWR) Penrod
38226 BIO  142-04ML2 Human Anatomy/Physiology II 0 Main Campus: 2405 11:00-12:55pm (MTWR) Penrod
38227 BIO  145-01WA Basic Human Anatomy and Physio 4 Virtual Odom
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38228 BIO  145-01WL Basic Human Anatomy and Physio 0 Virtual Odom
38229 BIO  150-01W11 Introductory Microbiology 4 Virtual Rhoads
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38230 BIO  150-01WL1 Introductory Microbiology 0 Virtual Rhoads
Business Management & Admin (BUS)
36425 BUS  100-11WA Introduction To Business 3 Virtual Lester
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36426 BUS  200-11WA Principles of Management 3 Virtual Lester
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36428 BUS  205-21W11 Human Resource Management 3 Virtual Collins
First 5-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36427 BUS  240-11WA Introduction to Business Law 3 Virtual Lester
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Chemistry (CHM)
38231 CHM  111-01M11 General Chemistry I 4 Main Campus: 3208 1:00-2:55pm (MTWR) Figueroa Barbera
38232 CHM  111-01ML1 General Chemistry I 0 Main Campus: 2306 3:00-4:55pm (MTWR) Figueroa Barbera
38233 CHM  111-02W11 General Chemistry I 4 Virtual Figueroa Barbera
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38234 CHM  111-02WL1 General Chemistry I 0 Virtual Figueroa Barbera
38238 CHM  111-03W11 General Chemistry I 4 Virtual Brynteson
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38239 CHM  111-03WL1 General Chemistry I 0 Virtual Brynteson
38241 CHM  112-01M22 General Chemistry II 4 Main Campus: 2307 1:00-2:55pm (MTWR) Ayala
38243 CHM  112-01ML2 General Chemistry II 0 Main Campus: 2306 3:00-4:55pm (MTWR) Ayala
38246 CHM  112-02W22 General Chemistry II 4 Virtual Ayala
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38247 CHM  112-02WL2 General Chemistry II 0 Virtual Ayala
38249 CHM  112-03W22 General Chemistry II 4 Virtual Herndon
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38250 CHM  112-03WL2 General Chemistry II 0 Virtual Herndon
Communication Studies &Theater (CST)
37806 CST  100-01WA Principles of Public Speaking 3 Virtual Carpenter
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37807 CST  100-02W11 Principles of Public Speaking 3 Virtual Smith
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37808 CST  100-03W22 Principles of Public Speaking 3 Virtual Smith
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37809 CST  110-01WA Introduction to Human Communic 3 Virtual Johnston
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37810 CST  126-01WA Interpersonal Communication 3 Virtual Dyess
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37812 CST  151-01WA Film Appreciation I 3 Virtual Smith
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Computer Science (CSC)
37804 CSC  290-01WA Coordinated Internship 2 Virtual Schofield
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Early Childhood Development (CHD)
36495 CHD  120-11WA Intro to Early Childhood Educ 3 Virtual Gregory
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36496 CHD  166-11WA Infant and Toddler Programs 3 Virtual Gregory
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course, which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable Internet access in order to access the electronic resources.
36497 CHD  205-11WA Guiding Behavior of Children 3 Virtual Gregory
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Economics (ECO)
36439 ECO  150-11WA Econ Esntl: Theory and Appl 3 Virtual Moden
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course, which means there are reduced textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable Internet access in order to access the electronic resources.
36442 ECO  201-11WA Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Virtual Wade
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course, which means there are reduced textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable Internet access in order to access the electronic resources.
36443 ECO  202-11WA Principles of Microeconomics 3 Virtual Wade
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course, which means there are reduced textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable Internet access in order to access the electronic resources.
Education (EDU)
37828 EDU  114-01M11 Driver Task Analysis 3 Main Campus: TBA 5:00-9:00pm (MR) Colvin
37827 EDU  200-01WA Foundations of Education 3 Virtual Chang
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37829 EDU  214-01MDD Instructional Principles of Dr 3 Main Campus: TBA 8:00-5:00pm (MTWRF) Colvin
Class runs July 7-11
Electronics Technology (ETR)
36468 ETR  113-11MA D.C. and A.C. Fundamentals I 4 Main Campus: 6201 1:00-4:30pm (T) Gale
Textbook in library. Students enrolling in this lecture section will automatically be enrolled in the lab section.
36469 ETR  113-12ML D.C. and A.C. Fundamentals I 0 Main Campus: 6201 1:00-4:30pm (R) Gale
36470 ETR  114-11MA D.C./A.C. Fundamentals II 4 Main Campus: 6201 3:00-6:30pm (M) Gale
Textbook in library. Students enrolling in this lecture section will automatically be enrolled in the lab section (12ML).
36471 ETR  114-12ML D.C./A.C. Fundamentals II 0 Main Campus: 6201 3:00-6:30pm (W) Gale
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
37509 EMS  100-01HDD CPR for Healthcare Providers 1 Main Campus: 2505 8:00-12:00pm (F) Aiken
    CPR for Healthcare Providers   Main Campus: 2505 8:00-12:00pm (F) Kirkland
Class meets May 23. Drop for refund by May 22, for "W" by May 23. Students must obtain a textbook and pocket mask from the CVCC Bookstore prior to class. Hybrid - combines in-class and on-line instruction.
37510 EMS  100-02HDD CPR for Healthcare Providers 1 Main Campus: 2505 5:30-9:30pm (F) Greer
Class meets May 23. Drop for refund by May 22, for "W" by May 23. Students must obtain a textbook and pocket mask from the CVCC Bookstore prior to class. Hybrid - combines in-class and on-line instruction.
37511 EMS  111-11HA Emergency Medical Technician 7 Main Campus: 2505 8:00-11:50am (MTW) Aiken
    Emergency Medical Technician   Main Campus: 2505 8:00-11:50am (MTW) Kirkland
Hybrid - combines in-class and online instruction using Canvas. Students must also enroll in EMS 100-01HD unless they are currently CPR certified by the American Heart Association as a Healthcare Provider or American Red Cross Professional. Students must also enroll in EMS 120-31M2.
37513 EMS  111-12HA Emergency Medical Technician 7 Main Campus: 2505 6:00-9:50pm (MTW) Greer
    Emergency Medical Technician   Main Campus: 2505 6:00-9:50pm (MTW) Kirkland
Hybrid - combines in-class and online instruction using Canvas. Students must also enroll in EMS 100-02HD unless they are currently CPR certified by the American Heart Association as a Healthcare Provider or American Red Cross Professional. Students must also enroll in EMS 120-32M2.
37516 EMS  120-31M12 Emergency Med Tech - Clinical 1 Main Campus: Aiken
Second 5-week class. Starts June 24. A clinical rotation is required and will be coordinated through the instructor. Additional requirement: EMS 111-11HA.
37517 EMS  120-32M22 Emergency Med Tech - Clinical 1 Main Campus: Aiken
Second 5-week class. Starts June 24. A clinical rotation is required and will be coordinated through the instructor. Additional requirement: EMS 111-12HA.
37518 EMS  213-01MDD ALS Skills Development 2 Main Campus: 2502 9:00-5:00pm (RF) Aiken
Class meets July 11 - July 25. Drop for refund by July 13, for "W" by July 20.
Engineering (EGR)
39767 EGR  125-01WA Introduction to Computer Progr 4 Virtual Schofield
English (ENG)
37854 ENG  111-01WA College Composition I 3 Virtual Koshy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37857 ENG  111-02MA College Composition I 3 Main Campus: 5208 5:30-6:50pm (TWR) Latimer
37855 ENG  111-03F11 College Composition I 3 Bedford 6:30-8:25pm (MTWR) TBA
37858 ENG  111-04MA College Composition I 3 Main Campus: 5219 10:00-11:55am (MW) Babcock
37860 ENG  111-05WA College Composition I 3 Virtual Elam
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37861 ENG  111-06WA College Composition I 3 Virtual Elam
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37863 ENG  111-07W11 College Composition I 3 Virtual Latimer
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37864 ENG  111-08W22 College Composition I 3 Virtual Gaumer
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37865 ENG  112-01HA College Composition II 3 Main Campus: 3212 10:00-11:55am (M) Elam
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37866 ENG  112-02WA College Composition II 3 Virtual Morgan
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37868 ENG  112-03WA College Composition II 3 Virtual Morgan
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37869 ENG  112-04W11 College Composition II 3 Virtual Carpenter
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37871 ENG  112-05W22 College Composition II 3 Virtual Latimer
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37872 ENG  245-01WA British Literature 3 Virtual Elam
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37873 ENG  246-01WA American Literature 3 Virtual Babcock
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37874 ENG  250-01WA Children's Literature 3 Virtual Moodie
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37875 ENG  256-01W22 Literature of Science Fiction 3 Virtual Poff Jr.
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
English Direct Enrollment (EDE)
37851 EDE  11-01WA English Composition Readiness 3 Virtual Koshy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37853 EDE  11-02MA English Composition Readiness 3 Main Campus: 5208 7:00-8:20pm (TWR) Latimer
Geography (GEO)
38252 GEO  210-01WA People & Land 3 Virtual Cakir
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Geology (GOL)
38253 GOL  105-01WDD Physical Geology 4 Virtual Underwood
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38254 GOL  105-01WLD Physical Geology 0 Virtual Underwood
38255 GOL  110-01WDD Earth Science 4 Virtual Laub
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38257 GOL  110-01WLD Earth Science 0 Virtual Laub
Health Services (HLT)
36542 HLT  100-21H11 First Aid/CPR 2 Main Campus: Templeton
First 5-week class. This course will be online, except for the skills portion. Students will need to sign up to complete the skills portion with the instructor. Students should log in to this course (using Canvas) on the first day of class. Email instructor at using your CVCC email account with questions.
37498 HLT  110-11WA Concepts of Personal and Commu 3 Virtual Armstrong
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
37499 HLT  141-11WA Introduction To Medical Termin 2 Virtual Johnson
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37500 HLT  143-11WA Medical Terminology 3 Virtual Hermosa
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
37502 HLT  143-21W11 Medical Terminology 3 Virtual Hermosa
First 5-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
37503 HLT  143-31W22 Medical Terminology 3 Virtual Hermosa
Second 5-week class. Starts June 24. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
37506 HLT  230-11WA Principles of Nutrition 3 Virtual Hermosa
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
37507 HLT  230-21W11 Principles of Nutrition 3 Virtual Armstrong
First 5-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
37508 HLT  230-31W22 Principles of Nutrition 3 Virtual Johnson
Second 5-week class. Starts June 24. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This section makes use of a Follett Access digital resource in place of a textbook at a reduced cost. A required course materials fee will be paid with tuition for this resource. Students must have access to Canvas and to the internet for successful completion.
History (HIS)
37813 HIS  101-01WA Western Civil Pre-1600 CE 3 Virtual Poteat
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37815 HIS  102-01W22 Western Civil Post-1600 CE 3 Virtual Porter
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37817 HIS  121-01F22 United States History to 1877 3 Bedford 6:30-8:25pm (MTWR) Payne
37818 HIS  121-02WA United States History to 1877 3 Virtual Poteat
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37820 HIS  121-03W11 United States History to 1877 3 Virtual McGee
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37821 HIS  121-04W22 United States History to 1877 3 Virtual Porter
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37823 HIS  122-01WA U.S. History Since 1865 3 Virtual McGee
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37824 HIS  122-02M11 U.S. History Since 1865 3 Main Campus: 310 6:30-8:25pm (MTWR) Payne
37826 HIS  141-01WA African-American History I 3 Virtual Poteat
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Humanities (HUM)
37798 HUM  260-01WA Contemporary Humanities 3 Virtual McGee
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Industrial Engineering Tech (IND)
39010 IND  137-01HDD Team Conc/Solv 3 Main Campus: 4205 2:00-5:00pm (W) Newman
Class dates: May 21 - June 25. Drop for refund by May 26, for "W" by June 11. Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas).
Info Tech Design and Database (ITD)
39187 ITD  110-11WA Web Page Design I 3 Virtual Carter III
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Info Technology Essentials (ITE)
36507 ITE  152-11WA Introduction to Digital Litera 3 Virtual Hoisington Tirrell
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36508 ITE  152-12HA Introduction to Digital Litera 3 Main Campus: 2412 9:30-12:00pm (W) Hamlette-Franklin
Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas). Two of the classes will be on Zoom.
36509 ITE  152-31W22 Introduction to Digital Litera 3 Virtual Hoisington Tirrell
Second 5-week class. Starts June 24. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Info Technology Networking (ITN)
36504 ITN  101-11WA Introduction to Network Concep 3 Virtual Carter III
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
40385 ITN  260-11WA Network Security Basics 3 Virtual Williamson Jr.
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Info Technology Programming (ITP)
36503 ITP  100-11WA Software Design 3 Virtual Hamlette-Franklin
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Machine Technology (MAC)
36525 MAC  121-11MA Numerical Control I 3 Main Campus: 6102 3:15-6:30pm (TR) Dillard
36526 MAC  121-12MA Numerical Control I 3 Main Campus: 6102 5:30-8:45pm (MW) Dillard
36527 MAC  121-13MA Numerical Control I 3 Main Campus: 6102 3:30-4:45pm (MW) Dillard
36528 MAC  146-11MA Metals/Heat Treatment 2 Main Campus: 4203 5:00-6:30pm (M) Cobb Jr.
    Metals/Heat Treatment   Main Campus: 4114 5:00-10:00pm (M) Cobb Jr.
36529 MAC  146-12MA Metals/Heat Treatment 2 Main Campus: 4203 5:00-6:30pm (T) Tucciaronne
    Metals/Heat Treatment   Main Campus: 4114 5:00-10:00pm (T) Tucciaronne
36530 MAC  146-13MA Metals/Heat Treatment 2 Main Campus: 4203 5:00-6:30pm (R) Tucciaronne
    Metals/Heat Treatment   Main Campus: 4114 5:00-10:00pm (R) Tucciaronne
36531 MAC  146-14MA Metals/Heat Treatment 2 Main Campus: 4203 5:00-6:30pm (W) Cobb Jr.
    Metals/Heat Treatment   Main Campus: 4114 5:00-10:00pm (W) Cobb Jr.
36532 MAC  146-15MA Metals/Heat Treatment 2 Main Campus: 4203 9:00-10:30am (M) Tucciaronne
    Metals/Heat Treatment   Main Campus: 4114 9:00-2:00pm (M) Tucciaronne
36533 MAC  241-21M11 Adv. Machinery Procedures I 3 Main Campus: 6100 5:30-9:45pm (TWR) Grubbs
First 5-week class.
36534 MAC  242-31M22 Adv Machinery Procedures II 3 Main Campus: 6100 5:30-9:45pm (TWR) Wright Jr.
Second 5-week class.
Marketing (MKT)
36430 MKT  201-11WDD Introduction to Marketing 3 Virtual Walling
Ten-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your VCCS e-mail account with questions.
Mathematics (MTH)
38003 MTH  111-01WA Basic Technical Mathematics 3 Virtual McLean
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38004 MTH  130-01WA Fundamentals of Reasoning 3 Virtual Elliott
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38006 MTH  154-01MA Quantitative Reasoning 3 Main Campus: 5206 9:00-10:55am (TR) Fanning III
38007 MTH  154-02WA Quantitative Reasoning 3 Virtual Thomas
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38009 MTH  155-01MA Statistical Reasoning 3 Main Campus: 4212 9:00-10:55am (MW) Fanning III
38010 MTH  155-02WA Statistical Reasoning 3 Virtual Horstemeyer
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38011 MTH  161-01WA PreCalculus I 3 Virtual Atkinson
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38012 MTH  162-01WA PreCalculus II 3 Virtual Cestaro
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38013 MTH  261-01WA Applied Calculus I 3 Virtual Retnam
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38014 MTH  263-01WA Calculus I 4 Virtual Thomas
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38015 MTH  264-01WA Calculus II 4 Virtual Retnam
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38016 MTH  265-01MA Calculus III 4 Main Campus: 6201 10:30-11:50am (MTWR) Honeycutt
Mathematics Direct Enrollment (MDE)
38005 MDE  54-01MA Learn Support for Quant Reason 3 Main Campus: 5206 11:00-1:00pm (TR) Fanning III
38008 MDE  55-01MA Lrn Support for Stat Reasoning 3 Main Campus: 4212 11:00-1:00pm (MW) Fanning III
38002 MDE  60-01WA Intermediate Algebra 3 Virtual Honeycutt
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Mechanical Engineering Tech (MEC)
36482 MEC  140-11MA Introduction to Mechatronics 3 Main Campus: 6200 4:30-7:00pm (TR) Gale
    Introduction to Mechatronics   Main Campus: 6200 4:30-7:00pm (TR) Gilbert
Curriculum included at no charge
Music (MUS)
37799 MUS  121-01WA Music in Society 3 Virtual Kobler
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Natural Science (NAS)
38221 NAS  2-01W11 Foundations of Life Sciences 1 Virtual Odom
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38222 NAS  2-02W22 Foundations of Life Sciences 1 Virtual Odom
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Philosophy (PHI)
38017 PHI  100-01WA Introduction to Philosophy 3 Virtual Scow
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38018 PHI  100-02M22 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Main Campus: 4214 10:00-11:55am (MTWR) Provenzola
38019 PHI  220-01WA Ethics and Society 3 Virtual Scow
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Physical Education (PED)
36520 PED  107-21W11 Exercise and Nutrition I 1 Virtual Templeton
First 5-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36521 PED  111-21M11 Weight Training I 1 Main Campus: 2506 9:00-11:45am (TR) Templeton
First 5-week class.
36522 PED  117-21W11 Fitness Walking 1 Virtual deMoors
First 5-week class. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36523 PED  117-31W22 Fitness Walking 1 Virtual deMoors
Second 5-week class. Starts June 24. Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
36524 PED  195-11WA Running Fundamentals 1 Virtual deMoors
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Physics (PHY)
38020 PHY  201-01W11 General College Physics I 4 Virtual Laub
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38021 PHY  201-01WL1 General College Physics I 0 Virtual Laub
38022 PHY  202-01W22 General College Physics II 4 Virtual Laub
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
38023 PHY  202-01WL2 General College Physics II 0 Virtual Laub
Political Science (PLS)
37830 PLS  135-01WA U.S. Government and Politics 3 Virtual Nagy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Psychology (PSY)
37832 PSY  200-01WA Principles of Psychology 3 Virtual Piercy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37833 PSY  200-02W11 Principles of Psychology 3 Virtual Piercy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37835 PSY  200-03W22 Principles of Psychology 3 Virtual Kinman
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37837 PSY  215-01WA Psychopathology 3 Virtual Piercy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37838 PSY  225-01WA Theories of Personality 3 Virtual Deutsch
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37841 PSY  230-01WA Developmental Psychology 3 Virtual Deutsch
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37843 PSY  230-02W22 Developmental Psychology 3 Virtual Holt
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37844 PSY  236-01WA Adolescent Psychology 3 Virtual Moodie
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Radiography (RAD)
36404 RAD  190-11OA Coordinated Internship 4 Off Campus Fitzsimons
    Coordinated Internship   Off Campus Wilhelm
For program students only.
36402 RAD  215-11MA Correlated Radiographic Theory 2 Main Campus: 8:00-12:00pm (T) Fitzsimons
    Correlated Radiographic Theory   Main Campus: 2411 9:00-10:30am (TR) Fitzsimons
For program students only. Must purchase course code through bookstore.
36403 RAD  240-11MA Radiographic Pathology 3 Main Campus: 2411 1:00-3:00pm (TR) Fitzsimons
For program students only.
36405 RAD  290-11OA Coordinated Internship 3 Off Campus Fitzsimons
    Coordinated Internship   Off Campus Wilhelm
For program students only.
Religion (REL)
37845 REL  200-01WA Survey of the Old Testament 3 Virtual Dowdy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37846 REL  210-01WA Survey of the New Testament 3 Virtual Summy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37847 REL  230-01WA Religions of the World 3 Virtual Mills
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Respiratory Therapy (RTH)
36416 RTH  132-11MA Respir Care Theory & Proc II 4 Main Campus: 2407 9:00-10:55am (MT) Ayers
Students enrolling in this lecture section will automatically be enrolled in the lab section (RTH 132-12ML).
36417 RTH  132-12ML Respir Care Theory & Proc II 0 Main Campus: 2407 11:30-2:00pm (M) Ayers
    Respir Care Theory & Proc II   Main Campus: 2407 11:30-2:00pm (M) Coles
36419 RTH  190-11OA Coordinated Internship 2 Off Campus Ayers
    Coordinated Internship   Off Campus Coles
36418 RTH  217-11HA Pul Rehab Home Care & Hlth Pro 2 Main Campus: 2407 11:30-12:40pm (T) Coles
Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas).
36423 RTH  245-11HA Pharmacology for Respiratory C 2 Main Campus: 2407 12:50-2:00pm (T) Coles
Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas).
Safety (SAF)
38378 SAF  126-11HA Principle of Industrial Safety 3 Main Campus: 6119 5:00-8:00pm (W) Payne
Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas).
38377 SAF  130-21H11 Industrial Safety - OSHA 10 1 Main Campus: 6119 5:00-7:00pm (T) Payne
First 5-week class. Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas).
Sociology (SOC)
37848 SOC  200-01WA Principles of Sociology 3 Virtual Cundiff
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
37850 SOC  226-01WA Human Sexuality 3 Virtual Cundiff
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Spanish (SPA)
37801 SPA  101-01M11 Beginning Spanish I 4 Main Campus: 5213 9:00-12:00pm (MTWRF) Pinto-Torres
37802 SPA  102-01M22 Beginning Spanish II 4 Main Campus: 5213 9:00-12:00pm (MTWRF) Pinto-Torres
Student Development (SDV)
38762 SDV  100-11WA College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL Anthony
10-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38765 SDV  100-12WA College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL Burnette Jr.
10-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38763 SDV  100-21W11 College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL French
First 5-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38764 SDV  100-22W11 College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL Burnette Jr.
First 5-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38773 SDV  100-23R11 College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: TUAL 5:30-6:45pm (TR) Fletcher
First 5-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students will need to log into the course on Tuesday/Thursday at 5:30 pm to meet with instructor. You can email instructor at
38766 SDV  100-31W22 College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL French
Second 5-week course. Class begins 06/24/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38767 SDV  100-32W22 College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL Burnette Jr.
Second 5-week course. Class begins 06/24/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38768 SDV  101-11WA Orient to HLT Professions 2 Main Campus: ONL Bell
10-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. This course is for students entering dental hygiene program through VWCC. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38769 SDV  101-21W11 Orient to HLT Professions 1 Main Campus: ONL Bell
First 5-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
38770 SDV  101-31W22 Orient to HLT Professions 1 Main Campus: ONL Bell
Second 5-week course. Class begins 06/24/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.
Welding (WEL)
39002 WEL  120-01MDD Introduction to Welding 3 Main Campus: 4114 12:30-4:40pm (MW) White
    Introduction to Welding   Main Campus: 4113 12:30-4:40pm (MW) White
Class dates: May 16 - June 25. Drop for refund by May 24, for "W" by June 10.
39003 WEL  120-02MDD Introduction to Welding 3 Main Campus: 4114 5:00-9:10pm (TR) Cobb Jr.
    Introduction to Welding   Main Campus: 4113 5:00-9:10pm (TR) Cobb Jr.
Class dates: May 20 - June 26. Drop for refund by May 25, for "W" by June 11.
39004 WEL  138-01MDD Pipe and Tube Welding 2 Main Campus: 4203 12:30-4:40pm (MW) Hurd
    Pipe and Tube Welding   Main Campus: 4113 12:30-4:40pm (MW) Hurd
Class dates: May 19 - June 25. Drop for refund by May 24, for "W" by June 10.
39005 WEL  138-02MDD Pipe and Tube Welding 2 Main Campus: 4208 5:00-9:10pm (MW) Hurd
    Pipe and Tube Welding   Main Campus: 4113 5:00-9:10pm (MW) Hurd
Class dates: May 19 - June 25. Drop for refund by May 24, for "W" by June 10.
39006 WEL  145-01HDD Welding Metallurgy 3 Main Campus: 4205 1:00-4:00pm (R) Newman
    Welding Metallurgy   Main Campus: 4113 1:00-4:00pm (R) Newman
Class dates: May 20 - June 23. Drop for refund by May 25, for "W" by June 10. Hybrid - combines on-campus instruction and online instruction (using Canvas).
39007 WEL  166-01MDD Advanced GTAW, TIG 3 Main Campus: 4203 11:30-4:45pm (TR) Newman
    Advanced GTAW, TIG   Main Campus: 4113 11:30-4:45pm (TR) Newman
Class dates: May 20 - June 26. Drop for refund by May 25, for "W" by June 11.
39008 WEL  166-02MDD Advanced GTAW, TIG 3 Main Campus: 4208 5:00-10:15pm (TR) Mitchell
    Advanced GTAW, TIG   Main Campus: 4113 5:00-10:15pm (TR) Mitchell
Class dates: May 20 - June 26. Drop for refund by May 25, for "W" by June 11.
39009 WEL  247-01MDD Welding Layout and Fabrication 2 Main Campus: 4114 8:00-12:10pm (MW) White
    Welding Layout and Fabrication   Main Campus: 4113 8:00-12:10pm (MW) White
Class dates: May 19 - June 25. Drop for refund by May 24, for "W" by June 10.