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Welcome to the CVCC Online Class Schedule. Here you can view the entire class schedule for current terms. The listed information is updated daily and for reference purposes only. For “live” class schedule data with current enrollment capacities and enhanced class search functionality please view our live schedule webpage.   For information on applying to the college and enrolling in classes please visit our Start Here page, or call the Advising Services at 434.832.7800, Mon. 8:00 AM-7:00 PM and Tue.-Fri. 8:00 AM-5:00 PM.

For detailed information about each course, use the new Class Search tool linked above.

CLS # Class-Sec Course Title Cr Location Times(Days) Instructor
Philosophy (PHI)
38018 PHI  100-02M22 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Main Campus: 4214 10:00-11:55am (MTWR) Provenzola
Religion (REL)
37845 REL  200-01WA Survey of the Old Testament 3 Virtual Dowdy
Students should log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions.
Student Development (SDV)
38762 SDV  100-11WA College Success Skills 1 Main Campus: ONL Anthony
10-week course. Class begins 05/19/25. Students must log into this Canvas course on the first day of classes. E-mail instructor at using your CVCC e-mail account with questions. This is an OER course which means there are no textbook costs for this course. Students will use electronic materials but may have the option of purchasing printed textbooks. Students will need regular and reliable internet access to access the electronic resources.